In this digital age,media images and recordings help share the love, messages, and beliefs of Pilgrimage United Church of Christ. Media, in it’s wide variety of formats, enhances the information we are able to provide to our members and visitors and allows us to expand the reach of our ministry.
The church often takes pictures and videos of events including, but not limited to, baptisms, choir performances, instrumental performances, worship services, missions trips, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, fellowship events, and community outreach projects. The media (photograph, video, and/or audio) obtained during these events is used to document, promote, and celebrate our ministry. Therefore, participation in church activities implies permission for publication in any media recorded (print or digital), unless a Media Opt Out Form has been submitted to the church office.
The type of media obtained determines where and how it can be used.
Print media includes church newsletters, brochures, newspapers, magazines, flyers, bulletin boards, etc.
Online media includes online church newsletters, website, Facebook page and groups, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube channel, and Google Groups.
Media Use Policy
While Pilgrimage United Church of Christ reserves the right to photograph and record (video and/or audio) church events, we will always make an effort to respect your privacy. The following guidelines regarding media use:
Any adult may complete the Media Opt-Out Form on behalf of themselves or their minor children for whom they are the parent/legal guardian.
Photos and videos are almost always of people in public spaces, and/or at public events.
Pilgrimage UCC will not knowingly post anything that would be embarrassing, objectionable, or hurtful to anyone in photo or video.
Children or youth are never identified by name in photos and videos we use online and/or in printed publications.
To ensure the privacy of all, the use of full names or personal identifying information requires verbal approval for adults and written approval for children from the parent or legal guardian.
Any photo or video will be removed from our online sites upon request. If you see a photo that includes you or your child and would like it removed from the site, please email with the details.