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Finding your spiritual path involves wrestling with difficult questions of faith.  Pilgrimage creates a space where people can safely wrestle with questions that can lead them to deeper faith.  

Seasonal Vespers

Information will be provided when these special services are scheduled.

Spiritual Seekers Group

Meets year round on the 4th Tuesday every month at 7: p.m. at the church. 

Book Club


Meets Year Round on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the church at 7:00 p.m.




Adult & Children's Sunday School

Adult classes are offered on Sundays following the 10:00 service.  Children exit the Sanctuary during our 10:00 service & attend "Faith Formation"

Christian Education isn't primarily about acquiring more knowledge or information. Knowledge must be in service to Christian transformation---of ourselves, of our communities, and of unjust systems. It is about broadening and expanding the spiritual journey, starting wherever we are, and following Jesus wherever he takes us. 

--Victoria O.


Adults & Children

​Adult Education begins approximately at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays. 


Children's Education


“Faith Formation” is a more involved lesson with activities for the preschool and elementary age children about the focus scripture for the day. The children will exit the Sanctuary following Children's Time during the 10:00 worship service with our Faith Formation leader and will return in time to join in the closing song, "Let There Be Peace On Earth."


Vacation Bible School


"VBS" is a week-long summer event that follows a select theme using stories from the Bible.  The children take part in crafts, missions' projects, music & creative snack times under the guidance of devoted volunteers. 

Adult Sundy School

Seasonal Vespers



These special Zoom services are offered during Lent (7:00 p.m.) and Advent (5:30 p.m.) on Sunday evenings.  Each service is approximately 30 minutes of prayer.  We encourage you find a cozy corner and settle in for some time with the Divine.  Light a candle, settle down, and log in for a quiet time of peace and prayer. 




Book Club

Pilgrimage UCC has one book group which meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM. Discussions are always lively and give participants the opportunity to share more deeply with others.    For more information, contact

Book Club



Spiritual Seekers Group
Spiritual Seekers

This group has been meeting for several years each month and has studied a wide range of books including "The Art of Living" by Thich Nhat Hanh, "The New Jim Crow" by Michele Alexander, and "Falling Upward" by Richard Rohr.  More importantly, Seekers is a small group whose members share and support one another through life's joys and challenges.  They welcome new members!  For more information contact

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